Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome to the Junior Jot Down

So this is our official CIT Junior Blog. I can't wait to see what interesting topics we blog about. I think it's cool how people and companies are using blogs, don't you? We'll be exploring a lot of topics and writing about them here.

A couple of things you should know before blogging. We will never, ever name-call or act disrespectful to another person's posts or opinions. It is okay to disagree and make your own feelings known, but in a respectful manner. Be sure your words are PG rated, as this is an extension of our classroom. Please make sure to check your spelling before posting; your grade depends on it. When providing links in your blog posts, please use "clean" links, like this one about how to blog in the work place. Your first assignment is to read the article and then come back to this post and make a comment!

I know we have a lot of writers in this year's junior class, so I look forward to your ideas and thoughts!