Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome to the Junior Jot Down

So this is our official CIT Junior Blog. I can't wait to see what interesting topics we blog about. I think it's cool how people and companies are using blogs, don't you? We'll be exploring a lot of topics and writing about them here.

A couple of things you should know before blogging. We will never, ever name-call or act disrespectful to another person's posts or opinions. It is okay to disagree and make your own feelings known, but in a respectful manner. Be sure your words are PG rated, as this is an extension of our classroom. Please make sure to check your spelling before posting; your grade depends on it. When providing links in your blog posts, please use "clean" links, like this one about how to blog in the work place. Your first assignment is to read the article and then come back to this post and make a comment!

I know we have a lot of writers in this year's junior class, so I look forward to your ideas and thoughts!


  1. I think that when blogging it is a good idea to limit who can see what you are saying. You never know who is reading it. Depending on what your blog is for you may not want certain people to know what you are saying.


  2. I think blogging is a good way to communicate with other people about they same topic. It is good to be anonymous when you blog about something. You should think about what you are goin to say before you start blogging so you don't say something that might be negative about something.


  3. I liked the article. I never really put so much thought into the repercussions of blogging.
    I'd have to say my favorite tip is using Pseudonyms. Now I can blog about school on here and no one will know =P. It seems like a good way to get out feelings without them coming back to haunt you.
    I also liked the section on blogging without getting fired, too. It's cool that they have laws that protect bloggers from getting fired for certain things they say. I feel a little safer now.

  4. I agree that you have to be very careful when blogging, expecially on you own account, and even though you can take all these precautions, there is always a chance that someone will accidentaly come across you blog and read it, so I dont think that you should say anything that could get you in trouble to begin, that way there are no worries.

  5. As I read the article that was posted and requested that we read I agreed with most things said. Making great sense with the situation, for example I agreed most with one part the most. The part I agreed with most was when they stated that bosses family or friends judging you on what you wrote or said. I agree that it should influence you wonders because you have the right to state your own opinion and if someone was willing to judge you dramatically because of that then it’s their fault. To me the article made plenty of great sense and great persuasion in my own opinion.

  6. I like the idea of using anonymizing technologies. It helps you keep your privacy and makes it difficult for stalkers or enemies you may have to follw you around on the web.


  7. After reading the article, the one thing that stood out to me was, Register your domain name anonymously. This stood out to me because I knew that if you gave your information that people could find you, but I never knew that even if you don't say any information that they still can find out who you are. I think that if you don't want anyone to know who you are that you absolutly should hide your name. I also think it is a good idea if you hide your name if you are going to say anything bad about your job, friends/family, or school. If you are not going to say anything bad or you don't mind people knowing who you are, then I believe that it is okay to say your real name.

  8. I think blogging is a good thing and a bad thing. If you are writing about someone that you dont like makes sure you dont say who its from. The bad thing about it is people everywhere can read it so be careful on what you write.

  9. After reading this article i believe that getting fired for blogging in some cases is kind of wierd. I believe that blogging allows you to talk about whatever you want with whoever outside your work area. But I think that it is also very important to be careful what you talk about and who you mention.


  10. I thought that this articel was somewhat interesting. To be completely honest though about half way through it I stopped completely reading it and just started skimming over it. I think it's cool they have laws so that you can't get fired for blogging about or in work. Also, I think the ideas and suggestions they gave for keeping your blogs anonymous were really good. It's good that you can do that because you might say stuff you don't want people to know was you and if they found out it might affect your life.

  11. I think that the article had some really good ideas on how to stay safe while blogging. Just as in anything on the internet you have to be sure to keep your identity a secret to protect yourself. Also, it is very important that blogging is protected because it is a form of free speech which is protected under the Constitution.

  12. After reading the article I really realized that you always have to think before you blog. I think that it is cool how we can all comment about a certain topic. I like to hear what other people have to say and there point of veiw. Love it!


  13. After I read the article I finally realized that it really does matter what you post on the internet and that you should really be safe with what you do or say. It's nice to be able to blog becuase it lets you get your feelings out and you can say how you feel.

  14. Blogging is an important concept, it allows a person to freely express themselves to others with the hopes that they wont be judged. Being curtious about your statements is important if you wish to continue blogging on the same site. Safety is #1!

  15. I found it fascinating how there are so many different ways to evade the watchful eyes of nosy employers. It is a good thing to tell us about, because some employers will be willing to fire employees at just the sight of something they don't like...not all of them will, but some. I love the hiding your IP Address idea best.

  16. I like how they have laws for bloggers so they don't get fired. Not using private info is important because you don't want to be caught writing something you don't want certain people to see. Anonomous names are good for that too.

  17. After reading the article, I realized that saftey on the Internet is really important. Strangers can gain access to your personal information easily. It is important to post anonymously and not give out your information, even on a blog. I now know to be anonymous.

  18. It seems how I originally perceived blogs was blatantly incorrect. Not only are they a fun tool to express creativity, they can also be quite dangerous. Being a high roller myself, I never imagined that even blogs can be great conduits for EXTREME activities, such as fending off my possible future employers' evil legion of internet trackers. With this knowledge, I should probably keep at least a small shred of anonymity so that said evil trackers don't invade my personal life and get me fired.


Think twice before you post. :)