Monday, October 17, 2011

Steve Jobs and His Dad He Never Met

Back in 2005, a man named Mr. Abdulfattah Jandali found out that his son was the most prestigous businessman in the world; Steve Jobs. Besides a couple of e-mails and an iPhone 4, he has nothing to remember his son by. The short series of e-mails that Mr. Jandali had sent to him were nothing more than saying "Happy Birthday" or "I hope your health gets better". Mr. Jandali says all he got in return was one single e-mail saying "Thank You". That's all the communication that was ever between them. There are rumors that they were suposed to meet but they never got to. In my own personal opinion, this is very sad but at least Mr. Jandali tried to reach out to Steve Jobs. I didn't seem like Steve wanted anything to do with him. Who would have thought that a general manager of a casion in Reno can give birth to a billion dollar business man.
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