Friday, September 16, 2011

Grand Slam Tsunami


    Did you know how popular the sport of baseball is in the Japanese culture? Did you know that they also received a deadly tsunami last year? Well we recently read a story about a popular high school team in Japan that was hit very hard by the tragic event. The town was that of Rikuzentakata, Japan. The team was on the field practicing when the unexpected wave hit North Eastern Japan.


    Many of the players lost their homes and all of their possessions. Many did not know if they would be able to keep playing or have to stay at home and support their family through all of the hard times. There was one student in particular which had lost both of his parents. It was reported that his father's location is still unknown to this day. After months of tough practice and getting used to playing the game again after the tragedy, the team got together to play in a local championship for their school, Takata High. However, they were not victorious in their battle against the opposing team, the Morioka Technical High School.


For more information please click here

1 comment:

  1. Just saying, but the tsunami was March 11 of this year, not last year.

    Thought you'd want to know. :)


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