Friday, September 16, 2011

War Against Potatoes? By: Tony and Trevor

U.S Department of Agriculture thinks that schools should eliminate potato and potato products from school breakfast and cut down at lunch time. Their main goal is to get schools to eat healthier. They are facing opposition from "the potato industry, school cafeteria directors, and legislators from potato-growing regions". Schools tried to switch to sweet potatoes but the students didn't really enjoy them too much and they cost more than regular potatoes. In our opinion it's the schools job to provide food but it's the student's decision to eat the unhealthy potato based foods. We don't think they should cut down their food because it's the student's responsibility and decision to eat the food. We say let the french fries be served!


  1. I agree with you guys, french fries are all that bad. They should be limited on how much french fries they get. You have to at least get something else not just french fries,

  2. I like fries... And, in moderation, they should be okay.. Nobody said the people HAVE to eat them...
    Ps. Hi Tony. :3

  3. I agree with you guys on that one! That if the kids want to eat unhealthy food, let them. That they shouldn't take away the potato products just because it would make the kids eat healthier. If the kids do not like what there is to eat then they wont eat them. The school would lose money, and you actually gain more weight if you skip a meal.

  4. I agree, your eating habits are a personal choice. Taking away the potatoes won't stop kids from eating unhealthy and they have a choice to bring their own food and that will probably be unhealthy too.


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