Friday, September 16, 2011

New Age of Learning - Kara & Cora

A New Age of Learning

We read an article on Kahn Academy. This article was mainly about how some kids learn faster than others and how they have different ways of learning. Also, teachers have a routine that some kids can’t keep up with. This kind of routine creates gaps in their learning.

One day, a man named Salman Kahn had cousins visiting. He noticed that his 12 year old cousin was very smart but heard she wasn’t a very good test taker. She had dropped down to the class of kids who learned slower just because of her test scores. Kahn knew that she didn’t belong in that class. He then realized that he would help her achieve to be where she should.

Kahn created YouTube videos of math to help his cousin. Soon enough, everyone was looking at these videos. Teachers were using these videos in their daily routine in the classrooms. Kahn was shocked and he kept creating more videos to help people fill their education gaps and help people who could move on to bigger problems. He has more than 2,200 and he’s making more daily.


  1. Does he get paid now to make the videos?

  2. I think this is a great way to learn different things. I'm definitely using this for my physics class.

  3. I think that is true how people learn things differently, and I think it is a good thing that he can help people all over the world.

  4. I definitely like that he is making these videos, i myself am using them in my physics class, i feel like it will be a good way to learn topics in the class.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I agree with what Bre said.

    I've watched a few of his videos before, even though I usually prefer learning from a book. I have found his videos to be pretty helpful sometimes.

    Also, if you have forgotten how to do something in a subject, like math, you can just look it up on his YouTube channel, which I found easier to navigate than his website, and learn it again in just a couple minutes. He's a really good teacher.

  7. It just takes that one person to make that significant difference. All hail Salman Kahn. hehe.

  8. He uses examples problems so its helpful the way he does. I'm definitely going to use this for physics class.


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