Friday, November 5, 2010

Add Rhode Island to the list!

I hate seeing people texting and driving! I'm so happy that states are taking action on this. Rhode Island, along with 28 other states have noticed the danger in this act. Honestly whats the point in texting and driving? Just like texting in class, aren't you supposed to be learning? Driving is supposed to be strictly limited to driving.
This concern was brought upon Rhode Island in November of 2009. Just like my state, Massachusetts, all drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using their cellphone. This is such a great law. Kids are new drivAers and need to learn how to drive without the distraction of a cell phone. All drivers are under the same law of no texting and driving! Is a text really worth a life? My favorite law that Rhode Island enforces is no talking unless you have ONE headset in your ear. If you are caught talking it cost you a $100 fine. I wish Rhode Island would make a law saying their is no cell phone use allowed at all, but I guess only time will tell what happens with that one. Just remember its not where your hands are, its where your mind is!

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