Thursday, November 4, 2010

Massachusetts driver's and texting

Over a million texts are sent out daily from all over the world. Texting is the new way for people to talk to others, work, and even socialize but texting isn’t all that great. Over 6000 people yearly die from car accidents where people were texting and driving or talking on the phone and driving. Do you text and drive? Over 50% of people admit they do but what they don’t realize is how dangerous it is. You may think you’re one of the many few who can multitask while driving but what if something does happen. You are not only risking your own life but risking someone else’s life. In 2010 Massachusetts has finally made laws against texting. Nobody in Massachusetts is allowed to text while operating a vehicle. Anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to talk on the phone while operating a vehicle. If over the age of 18 you are allowed but should have a hands free device while talking. By following these simple rules you can save a life. Quite a few people may think these rules are stupid but what if you or a loved one died from someone else texting and driving.You should read a few stories about people dying from texting accidents and maybe it will make you realize how dangerous it really is.

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