Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Connecticut has Laws! (Seriously!)

Did you know that 34% of teens admit to texting while they drive? If you happen to be a part of that statistic, you may want to avoid driving in Connecticut. Now, while being 23 times more likely to get in an accident may not scare most of you careful texters out there, this new Connecticut law will ban reading, typing, and sending text messages while you drive. Unfortunately, trying to drive, text, and check around for cops simultaneously can be a bit tough at times. And if you fail, you'll end up getting your license suspended if you're under 18 and you'll have to pay a $125 restoration fee to get it back when your suspension ends, which can range from 30 days on your first offense to until you turn 18 on your second offense. It's definitely pretty harsh, especially considering text messaging only accounts for about 200,000 accidents a year. When you do turn 18, you can't even talk on your physical phone; you'll have to purchase one of those geeky bluetooth headsets or use some other hands-free accessory. If you prevent your urges and aren't confident of your driving skills, there are several apps that disable texting on your phone if you are moving at a speed greater than 10 miles an hour. Currently, there are 29 states that restrict cell phone usage for either novice or all drivers. You better watch out when you drive, because with this new generation growing up without properly learning how to text and drive, we may see a record wave of car accidents.


  1. Wow i didnt know any of this. this makes me never wanna text and drive. Goood job!

  2. After reading this, it makes me glad i don't text and drive. Thanks for the info


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