Thursday, November 4, 2010

Texting in Rhode Island

On Nov. 10, 2009, Rhode Island pasted a ban on texting and driving. It was the 19th state to pass a texting law. Texting and driving is the number one cause of teen death. Even though I don't text, I believe that it is extremely dangerous to text and drive. It can cause drivers to lose focus of what there doing and get in an accident.This law will help put driver's eyes back on the road where they should be.

The Laws:
It states that no one can text and drive. It also says that everyone under 18 can't us a cell phone at all but everyone 18 and older can make only phone calls when they drive.

1st offense:$85
2nd offense: $100
3rd offense: $125

Here is the Providence Journal news article about texting in RI

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