Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sooo New Hampshire is TOTALLY against texting and driving!

As of January 1st, New Hampshire joined Oregon, Illinois, and the other dozen states to ban texting and driving while operating a motor vehicle. The law also bans tweeting, typing on a laptop, or electronic devices while driving. Yes that means you can't jimmy with your ipod while driving to change the song playing! An operator under the age of 18 will lose their license for 60 days, receive a $100 fine, and that will be the least of their worries by the time it's all said and done. Insurance will skyrocket for the offender, and more expenses will definitely come along because of the attitude course that is required to get the license back. For over 18 drivers there's a $100 fine issued and the fine can go up to $500 based on how many prior offenses that have been committed. If you're over the age of 18, a ticket is very difficult to be issued on the grounds that the officer can't be sure if a phone call is being made or a text message being sent. Texting and driving contributes to 23% of accidents and it's the most likely cause of death to teenagers, especially ones that still text and drive anyway.

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