Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hawaii on Texting and Driving

Hawaii has a law on distracted driving. It states that no one shall use a mobile electronic device while operating a motor vehicle. The only exception to the use of a cell phone is to call 911. The only people who can use their mobile devices are emergency response personnel and drivers using two-way radios for work-related duties. Hawaii calls this the distracted driving law. Other forms of distracted driving include eating, putting on makeup, and changing the radio station while driving. One incident in Hawaii was when a pedestrian got hit by a car driven by a state employee. The state of Hawaii paid this person $1.5 Million because the driver of the car was being reckless and talking on his cell phone when he hit this pedestrian, who suffers from permanent brain damage. This should show everyone not to text and drive because people can get seriously hurt or even killed. So be smart and don't text and drive. Like Oprah says make you car a no phone zone.

For more information go to:
Hawaii State Law
Destructive Driving


  1. Alaska has a pretty similar law restricting cell phone use. Although, they have more exceptions than Hawaii.

  2. Wow - Hawaii seems pretty strict. Kudos!


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