Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Hampshire vs. Distracted Driving

Do you text and drive? Well if you do, maybe you would want to rethink that. In 2008, there were 5,870 fatalities and 515,000 injuries attributed to distracted driving. You may think you can handle your multitasking ways but what if you can't? Are you willing to risk your life or somebody else's over 140 characters? No text is worth a life. New Hampshire has adopted a program called Put It Down to crack down on distracted driving.

Put it Down is a program that puts harder punishments on distracted drivers. The first instance of distracted driving will cost you a $100
ticket. A second offense will cost you a $300 ticket and the possibility of fifteen days in jail. A third offense will cost you a $500 ticket and the possibility of thirty days in jail. Are you willing to pay the price or more? Before you decide to text and drive remember, you are putting yourself and innocent other people in danger. The choice is yours but when you make it, make sure it's the right one.


  1. I agree that NH's Put It Down program is a good idea, however, I'm not quite sure, though, if this will do very much if there is not very much headway in catching texters in the act of texting while driving.

  2. I think any program that helps get rid of texting while driving is a great idea. It is a step in the right direction. People need to be aware of the dangerous possibilities of texting while driving.

  3. Putting a face on the victim - powerful.


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