Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Texting While Driving Laws Not Good Enough

Recently I read an article about New Hampshire's texting while driving laws. Apparently they only have one law for it. The law is that no one can drive and text at the same time, that's it. The fine for this is only $100. What do you think about the fine? I think the fine should be a lot bigger. You are risking your life as you are texting. There is no limit on cell phone use, you could use your cell phone whenever you want. The police don't enforce it enough, they are the only one really suppose to enforce it. Should they have a better consequence? Should they have better enforcement? What do you think about this?


  1. You made good points Andrew the laws in New Hampshire were really poor but they have a new program in effect called Put It Down that is taking course soon and I think you would find the newer laws up to par.

  2. I think the law should be a lot bigger, too. If you're texting, you're putting your lives and someone else's life in danger. I think the consequence should be much bigger too if you're texting while driving.


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