Thursday, November 10, 2011

Texting kills, put down the phone.

Texting and Driving is a main cause of death in recent news and studies. Babies, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends; everyone is getting killed. Electronics were made to for communication if you NEED to use it. Any phone call or text isn't worth someone else's life, or your own. In the state of Hawaii, they issued their "no phone" law in 2008. This law basically says that if you are caught texting and driving, you get a ticket. If you kill someone because of your phone, jail is where you'll be for a while! Could you live with yourself if you killed someone? People wouldn't look at you the same. Do you want that haunting you forever? Texting Kills. Control your fate, the texts can wait.

1 comment:

  1. This assignment always reminds me of how dangerous it is. It's scary how many people are out there driving while distracted!


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